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on mushrooms

Canadian Mycological Associations - with a web presence


South Vancouver Island Mycological Society (SVIMS)
email: President John Dennis

SVIMS is a small society interested in all aspects of mycology and mushroom appreciation. Its members include professional mycologists, mushroom growers, mushroom pickers, cooks, photographers, and other enthusiasts. Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the 1st Thursday of Feb.-June and Sept.-Nov., at the Pacific Forestry Centre, 506 Burnside Road West, Victoria, B.C. SVIMS members produce a great newsletter which is available for viewing at their site.

Vancouver Mycological Society

The Vancouver Mycological Society is an amateur organization devoted to the study of mushrooms. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month (except - December, January, July and August). Meetings are at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens - Classroom, Oak and 37th Avenue, 7:30 p.m.. Call their mushroom hotline
(604) 878-9978 for more information on VMS forays, field trips, meeting programs and events.

Southern Interior Mycological Association

Rod Pooley & Carmen Stanek, having moved to the Okanagan area of British Columbia, determined to get together with other Mycology enthusiasts in the vicinity. The result of their dedication is the Southern Interior Mycological Society (SIMS). The organization boasts some 45 enthusiastic members who have already enjoyed some successful forays. Those interested in discussing or joining this new club can contact Rod & Carmen via email:


Edmonton Mycological Society
email: Secretary Julie Topolnisky

The EMA meets on the the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 Pm at the Riverbend Library located at the strip mall at Rabbit Hill Rd and Terwillegar Dr. Members will receive 4 newsletters during the year with interesting articles, foray information and maps. There is also the opportunity to exchange yarns and ideas with other members with similar interests.


Mycological Society of Toronto

We are mostly a group of amateurs supported by a number of active or retired professional mycologists, and we are eager to collect, study and identify fungi, particularly the larger mushrooms. Our Society encourages activities that explore the ecological role of fungi, and support the conservation of wild mushrooms. We organize five informative meetings a year for our members. These are held at the Civic Garden Centre in Toronto. Guest speakers are invited to give presentations on various topics associated with the field of mycology. The annual Cain Foray usually takes place on the third weekend of September in the Haliburton area. After the fungi are gathered and identified, they are displayed at the "Fungi Fair” held at the Civic Garden Centre (Lawrence and Leslie) on the Monday following that weekend.


Le Cercle des Mycologues de Montreal

The CMM is based in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Our members are French-speaking, or bilingual, French-English. All our literature is in French. Le Cercle des mycologues de Montréal regroupe des personnes qui sont animées des mêmes buts: promouvoir l'étude et la connaissance des champignons, plus particulièrement des champignons supérieurs. Le Cercle fut fondé en 1950 par M. René Pomerleau sous le nom de Club des mycologues amateurs de Montréal. L'âme du club fut, sans aucun doute, le Père Bernard Taché s.j., ancien élève de Marie-Victorin, qui sut, grâce à son dévouement, communiquer autour de lui pendant plus d'un quart de siècle, son amour pour l'étude des champignons. En 1975, les membres du Club entreprenaient les démarches en vue d'incorporer leur groupe selon la 3e partie de la loi des compagnies du Québec, sous le nom de Cercle des mycologues de Montréal. La même année, le Cercle recevait ses lettres patentes. Depuis cette date, le Cercle est administré par un conseil d'administration formé de 10 membres élus lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle.


April 2003